Lalitamba Foundation | Peace Shrine

July 7, 2023
1 Comment

The PEACE SHRINE is a sanctuary that engages in daily prayer and meditation–for world peace and inner peace. Pilgrims of any tradition are welcome. We respect each religion as an expression of the one truth that lives in the heart of all being, a truth that is both immanent and transcendent.

Peace begins with each one of us. As we become conscious of our deepest truth, the peace of being, we realize that there is no need to suffer any longer. We can be at peace with ourselves and with our loved ones, neighbors, community, city, and nation. We are all one. We are peace. Such is truth, and it is possible to realize now.

World peace begins with you. Sit down, close your eyes, and realize. Become a source of peace for the world. Live life as an expression of peace.

The Peace Shrine is a contemplative space. Many of our teachings are offered in silence or writing, through meditation and publications.

Even as we are a contemplative community, compassion inspires action. Outreach programs have served thousands in hospitals, prisons, and shelters throughout the United States. Through our work at the United Nations, hearts around the world are touched.

FIND US ON TWITTER: @shrinepeace